Best Practices for Ansible Security Roles

April 17, 2024

Security in infrastructure automation requires careful planning and consistent practices. When creating Ansible roles for security tasks, following established best practices ensures your roles remain organized, maintainable, and secure. Let’s explore key guidelines for building effective security roles.

Role Organization

Keep Roles Focused

Each role should have a single, clear responsibility:

  • Separate different security concerns into distinct roles (e.g., firewall, SSH, audit)
  • Avoid mixing unrelated tasks within a single role
  • Break down complex security configurations into smaller, manageable roles

Example directory structure for a focused role:

├── tasks/
│   ├── main.yml          # Task orchestration
│   ├── install.yml       # Package installation
│   ├── configure.yml     # SSH configuration
│   └── audit.yml         # Security checks
├── templates/
│   └── sshd_config.j2    # SSH configuration template
└── defaults/
    └── main.yml          # Default variables

Use Role Dependencies

Declare role dependencies in meta/main.yml to ensure proper execution order:

# meta/main.yml
  - role: firewall
  - role: ssh_hardening
  - role: audit


  • Ensures prerequisites are met before role execution
  • Makes dependencies explicit and visible
  • Maintains consistent security baseline across systems

Variable Management

Default Variables

Place default security settings in defaults/main.yml:

# defaults/main.yml
security_ssh_port: 22
security_allowed_users: []
security_min_password_length: 12
security_password_complexity: true

Best practices:

  • Use descriptive variable names with appropriate prefixes
  • Document each variable’s purpose and impact
  • Set secure defaults that follow principle of least privilege

Role-Specific Variables

Store internal role variables in vars/main.yml:

# vars/main.yml
  - ufw
  - fail2ban
  - aide
  - rkhunter

  - name: sshd
    state: running
    enabled: true

Testing and Validation

Molecule Testing

Use Molecule for comprehensive role testing:

# molecule/default/converge.yml
- name: Converge
  hosts: all
    - role: security_baseline

# molecule/default/verify.yml
- name: Verify
  hosts: all
    - name: Verify firewall status
      command: ufw status
      register: ufw_status
      failed_when: "'Status: active' not in ufw_status.stdout"

    - name: Check SSH configuration
      command: sshd -T
      register: ssh_config
      failed_when: |
        'permitrootlogin no' not in ssh_config.stdout.lower() or
        'passwordauthentication no' not in ssh_config.stdout.lower()

Security Checks

Include comprehensive security validations:

  • Verify service configurations
  • Check file permissions
  • Validate security policies
  • Test network restrictions

Security Best Practices

Secret Management

Use Ansible Vault for sensitive data:

# group_vars/all/vault.yml
  monitoring: !vault |

  private_key: !vault |

Logging and Monitoring

Implement proper logging for security events:

# tasks/logging.yml
- name: Configure audit logging
    src: auditd.conf.j2
    dest: /etc/audit/auditd.conf
    mode: '0600'
  notify: restart auditd

- name: Enable security-related audit rules
    src: audit.rules.j2
    dest: /etc/audit/rules.d/security.rules
    mode: '0600'
  notify: reload audit rules

File Permissions

Always set appropriate permissions:

# tasks/secure_files.yml
- name: Set secure permissions on configuration files
    path: "{{ item.path }}"
    mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
    owner: "{{ item.owner | default('root') }}"
    group: "{{ | default('root') }}"
    - path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      mode: '0600'
    - path: /etc/sudoers
      mode: '0440'


Role Documentation

Maintain comprehensive documentation in

# Security Baseline Role

This role implements security baseline configurations following CIS benchmarks.

## Requirements
- Ansible 2.9+
- Target systems: Ubuntu 20.04+

## Role Variables
| Variable | Default | Description |
| security_ssh_port | 22 | SSH port number |
| security_allowed_users | [] | List of allowed SSH users |

## Dependencies
- firewall
- ssh_hardening

## Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
    - role: security_baseline
        security_ssh_port: 2222

Task Documentation

Include clear comments in tasks:

# tasks/main.yml
- name: Install security packages
    name: "{{ security_packages }}"
    state: present
    update_cache: yes
  tags: [security, packages]
  # Ensures essential security tools are available

- name: Configure firewall rules
    rule: allow
    port: "{{ security_ssh_port }}"
    proto: tcp
  tags: [security, firewall]
  # Allows SSH access on configured port


Creating effective security roles requires attention to detail and adherence to best practices. By following these guidelines, you can build roles that are:

  • Secure by default
  • Easy to maintain
  • Well-documented
  • Thoroughly tested
  • Reusable across projects

Remember to regularly review and update your roles as security requirements evolve and new best practices emerge.